Round 1
That we would ban all forms of gambling (Gambling)
4 Aff wins
4 Neg wins
balance inconclusive
Round 2
That we would never give prison sentences to people found guilty of non-violent crimes (Non-violent crimes)
5 Aff wins
4 Neg wins
balance inconclusive
Round 3
That we should ban children under the age of 15 from accessing social media (Social Media)
5 Aff wins
4 Neg wins
balance inconclusive
Round 4
That we prefer a world where smartphones were never invented (Smartphones)
3 Aff wins
5 Neg wins
balance inconclusive
Make-Up Round
That we would reward school students with money for perfect attendance (Attendance)
1 Aff win
0 Neg wins
balance inconclusive
That schools should substantially reduce reliance on paper (Paper)
1 Aff win
1 Neg win
balance inconclusive
Grand Final
That we should prohibit countries with a poor record on human rights from hosting international sporting competitions (World Cup)
1 Aff win
0 Neg wins
balance inconclusive